Tuesday, May 20, 2014


 Sept 2013: 
'82 Porsche 911 SC as seen in classified ad

Humble beginnings.  I will get more into the back story of acquiring what is, to me, the culmination of several decades of daydreaming and literally years of adulthood pursuit. Is it exactly what I had hoped? Do I wish that I held out for something newer/older/slicker/awesomer?  No, this car is exactly what I wanted, 'er, needed: great mechanical condition, clean interior, decent paint in a color I simply cannot say no to. Minimal foibles, all told, but enough stuff that needed addressing to keep my desire to tinker satisfied.  What has surprised me the most is not that I don't absolutely love this car and everything it represents to me - because I do.  But rather that it doesn't fully scratch the itch... now I want another one. 

But I doubt I will chase that rabbit - I know how deep the hole goes, and it's exactly as deep as my funds will allow, which, with 2 kids living in New York City, is not very deep and an even harder thing to justify - and justification for something that has no practical use whatsoever is a tough sell in it's own right.  So I plan on using this particular example, a "schwartz metallic" 1982 Porsche 911 SC, as an ever evolving, rolling art project.  Think "Mr. Potato Head" as a '70's R-inspired hot-rod.  Why have two (three?  hmm) when you can reinvent one, over and over??  I think it's a great concept.  We'll see how long I can hold out. 

Owning one of these things must be a lot like keeping a horse: it needs constant attention, daily maintenance, and grooming to keep it alive and happy.  This blog will serve as a thread of documented projects for anyone curious to see how a life-long DIY'er figures out how to customize and maintain a 32 year old Porsche 911 on a shoestring budget without a proper garage (read: no garage).  I will probably toss in tidbits from other areas of life from time to time: music, fishing, outdoors-y stuff, occasional anecdotes about kids and family life.  But I dedicate this primarily to my passion for these amazing cars - cars that, 32 years after rolling off the production line, still feel modern, powerful, alive, and ultimately, completely satisfying.